Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mission Statement

Surrounding a discussion on mission statements and their effectiveness, we set out to find our individually chosen company's mission. In a letter to shareholders in 1997, or better known as Amazonians, they outlined 5 focuses towards success:
  1. Focus relentlessly on their customers
  2. Make bold investment decisions in light of long-term leadership considerations rather than short-term profitability
  3. Focus on cash
  4. Work hard to spend wisely and maintain our lean culture.
  5. Focus on hiring and retaining versatile and talented employees, and weight their compensation to significant stock ownership rather than cash.
Amazonians can find comfort in knowing that their diversified board consists of 9 directors and 12 officers, with Jeffrey P. Bezos being the President, CEO and Chairman of the board. Official info on Amazon's Investor Relations can be found at: Amazon

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Amazon Introduces Kindle 2

Amazon launched Monday, Feb. 9, a beta version of its electronic portable reading device, the Kindle 2. A little over a year ago, Amazon introduced a portable reading device that would all readers to store up to 1,000 books in a digital format. With a high contrast screen, long battery life and online capabilities to's endless book inventories, the Kindle and Kindle 2 are breaking into the electronic book market. 

Kindle 2's release has already seen high responses on blogs and been received with mixed reviews. Those who have currently ordered a Kindle 1 were greeted with a message from Amazon stating that they will have the first opportunity at purchasing the Kindle 2, while those on back order have been automatically upgraded.